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Why is CrossFit Intimidating?

I think when the average person steps foot into a CrossFit box they are blown away by what they are seeing. Between the loudness of the bars being dropped overhead, to people that are screaming bloody murder because they are so fatigued, to blood on the pull up bars from athletes ripping their hands from so many pull ups or bar work. I have been an athlete my whole life but when my wife and I started CrossFit back in 2009 I sure was intimidated but also intrigued. Going from a regular gym and coaching semi and professional athletes on a much more controlled environment was a bit different for me. Thing was I could scale the workouts however I need to for myself and my wife. The more we got involved and when I got certified in 2010 I understood this was for anyone; professional athletes, stay at home moms, senior citizens, teens, and anyone who wanted to improve their health and fitness. You just have to know how to adapt to each individual as a coach and understand what their needs and wants are. With that being said DO NOT be scared to walk into a CrossFit gym. The hardest part is starting the process but once you start you won’t regret it.